Monday, November 9, 2009

Gunpowder Falls State Park, MD

The weather here is unbelievable, upper 60 degrees, sunny, requiring only a light sweat shirt!

Andy and I discovered Gunpowder Falls State Park from the recommendation of my daughter Amanda. The park was established to protect the stream valleys of the Big and Little Gunpowder Falls and Gunpowder River. There are over 100 miles of trail. The bike trail is similar to the Paint Creek Trails in Rochester, double-tracked crushed stone that is hard packed and easy to ride on. This trail begins in Ashland, MD and continues 40 miles to York, PA. It was once the Northern Central Railway (c. 1840) that once transported milk from local farmers to the city of Baltimore. Even President Lincoln traveled on it to give his Gettysburg Address. The rail line later served as a commuter train until the 1970's when it was destroyed by Hurricane Agnes. We found out that this trail is also part of the East Coast Greenway, a developing trail system nearly 3,000 miles long from northern Maine winding down to Key West, linking all the major cities along the eastern seaboard. About a quarter of the trail is safe and traffic-free paths.

Andy has put riding the entire trail on our Bucket List of things to do. Yes, we have a Bucket List. And it is continuing to grow.

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