Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm

Last week we spent the entire time with our grand daughter, Kailey. She was on spring break and she still thinks we are fun to hang out with! We did some bike riding, swimming, the movies, typical "family" stuff. She gets all the attention and mostly, everything she asked for. But the tears came when it was time to return her home.
Andy and I have been real busy looking at more banked-owned homes down around the Venice area. Again, we put in several offers and then play the waiting game. These banks and the government (Freddie Mac) do take their time in responding back. Keeping our fingers crossed and will keep you updated.

We are now down to the wire with the youngest daughters wedding. Only 10 days! And every day I wake up thinking of another thing I need to do. Hair appointments made...check. Reserved table and chairs for rehearsal dinner in the back yard...check. Finalized the flouriest and photographer...check. Andy's clothes...check. Nancy's dress...???? I have bought four dresses! Returned two. And still can't decide. May need to make another trip to the mall. I know Andy is counting the days until it is all over! To him, nothing is a big deal; it'll all get done!

No great pictures to show. Really haven't seen anything exciting to even have the camera out, except for this Florida sandhill crane that kept taking ownership of our patio. These subspecies cranes are non-migratory and do not seem afraid of humans. They are protected under Florida law because they are becoming less common and are threatened by habitat destruction. They are often seen in residential yards.

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