Friday, June 11, 2010

Digging out of the 1970's!

Living in Mio certainly have brought back a lot of childhood memories for me. This is the place I went for the summer and on weekends through out the spring and fall. It was my grand fathers one-room hunting cabin with a two-seater outhouse in the back. It was built some time in the 1940's and my grandfather died in 1960. My dad "acquired" it after his death, just like I have since my parents both died eleven years ago. My parents retired up here in 1978 and brought in running water, sectioned off rooms, but nothing has been done to the place since then; except for the removal of the orange shag carpet about 8 years ago. Andy and I thought it was time for the removal of the rest of the 70's!!
Amazing what a gallon of paint can do....make that seven gallons! Good bye dark wood paneling; good bye orange kitchen counter; good bye plastic bath surround. Anything within our reach was transformed, either painted or replaced. Andy is very experienced in cutting, laying and grouting tile. And I have mastered painting without blue-taping everything off.
Finally the inside is done. A lot can get done when you don't have TV reception and the nearest theater is 30 miles away.
Unfortunately, the outside still looks the same. Sad curb appeal. But the plans are under way. The new front door will be arriving today and hopefully we can install it over the weekend. Then the rest will have to wait until we return from Florida. Taking a break from renorvating this house to move our furniture to Florida and set up house keeping in that home. No work will be done down there until October. I don't know if we are excited for the "R & R" or getting the keys to our new home and becoming Floridians.

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