Friday, August 26, 2011

Small Town Living Update

Just an update how our lives are in a small town in northern Michigan. I mentioned before we have a vegetable garden, hang our clothes on the line to dry, travel 30 miles once a week for groceries.

Thursday is Coney Day at the Mio Saloon. We usually try and go early and eat with the few locals (mostly bikers) but last night we went later and it was packed with "flatlanders". At first we thought there wouldn't be a table for us. Good coneys for only $1.00.

Today our garden produced three (3!!!) green beans. The plants are huge, taller then me and only 3 beans?? Although I did notice many flowers; must be late bloomers. We've had a few tomatoes and lots of peppers, both bell and banana peppers. Not enough produce to sell on M-33 like I thought we could do (ha!).

Today was our work day. Andy cut and split many down trees around us. Thanks to my sister who bought us a new electric chain saw, we now have enough fire wood to make it through the fall. Our only source of heat is a wood burning stove. Look at that pile of wood I arranged.

Tonight is the opening football game for the Mio Thunderbolts. We will be there!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Escanaba and Fayette

My girlfriend told me about Fayette, a deserted ghost-like town on Big Bay de Noc. Once a bustling industrial community that manufactured charcoal pig iron between 1867 and 1891. This well-preserved village features 20 structures including a hotel, machine shops and homes. The town was once a noisy, dirty company town with an immigrant population from Europe. Today it is owned by the state and is a State Park. Beautiful setting on Big Bay de Noc with a harbor and white cliffs.

One of our last nights we spent in Escanaba. Great town. Bigger then I had imagine with a thriving downtown area. The day we were there was the opening of the UP State Fair. How fun!! Ricardo and Andy and I wished we could have stayed longer. We got to feed animals, watch some 4-H members train their cattle and groom them for competition. There was cow milking, ice cream eating, amusement rides on the mid-way and I am sure much more that we missed. Mental note to self that we need to go back!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Green Bay, WI and Lambeau Field

Yeap....we drove all the way down to Green Bay, Wisconsin. Just to see Lambeau Field. I must say, I was impressed with the field and the story behind the Packers. "GO PACK GO!"

And it was rewarding to see the boys face light up seeing the "return to Titletown", the four Superbowl trophies.
And they both bought Packer garb to wear.

Ironwood and Ski Jump

Andy really wanted to go to Ironwood (we also went to Iron Mountain and Iron River), this area is known as "Big Snow Country". There are hundreds of miles of groomed snowmobile trails and three ski resorts. One of the big attraction is Copper Peak, the only International Ski Flying facility in the Western hemisphere. The guys took an adventure ride via a 810-foot chair lift and a 18 story elevator to the top of the world's largest ski slide. It rises 26-stories above the hill top. The top observation deck provided 360 degree, unobstructed view overlooking 2,500 square miles of Western Lake Superior Basin. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy day and the visibility was not great. On a clear day, you can see 85 miles across the lake. Ski flyers can soar 600 feet on this hill. But take a close look at those pictures taken from the top...Ricardo took them. Andy couldn't make it all the way. It is pretty high!!! Actually from the Summit in the Porcupine Mountains the day before, we could see the ski jump.

Ontonogan and the Porcupine Mtns

On the south shores of Lake Superior, Ontonagon County includes the Porcupine Mountains and State Park. The park has 60,00 acres of virgin forest, with 80 miles of trails to hike, also Lake of the Clouds and the Summit Peak which is one of the highest points in Michigan, and 90 waterfalls. Of course, we attempted it all. Hiked over 5 miles, climbed to the peak and even saw a black bear! Love the "Porkies". No, we did not camp in their rustic back country campsites. We had camped in the city of Ontonogan, about 20 minutes away in their county campgrounds located right on Lake Superior. That's our campsite and our sunset view at the bottom. Couldn't ask for a better life!

The town of Ontonogan is small, also hurting bad with the economy since their only industry closed. But they are know for a huge maritime history, mining and logging. We toured a great lighthouse and were able to climb all the way to the top on the spiral staircase. This was Ricardo's first time in a lighthouse.

Copper Harbor, Houghton and Hancock

Our next stop was to Copper Harbor and the Keweenaw Peninsula. Interesting that US 41 begins (or ends there) and is the same US 41 that goes right through our hometown in Florida! Mainly why we had our picture taking by the sign. This is as far north as you can go in Michigan! And Andy and I have seen the end (or beginning) of US 41 in Miami, Florida which is 1990 miles from where we were standing!
We tour some of Michigan Tech University, the copper mine and did some fishing on the river that splits the cities of Houghton and Hancock. Our camp grounds were right on the river. Sideline interesting story: One morning when I was in the community bathroom(!!) and young mother and her two young children come in to use the toilet. She is staring at me. Okay, so it is early morning and I don't look my best I know. But then she says to me that she thinks she knows me and that I have a son and 2 daughters and then she says my name!! Now this is weird. She was a friend of my son, Neal and they went to school at Our Shepherd. Now more weird then this....she left the school when she was 6th or 7th grade; making that 20 years ago and she recognized me!! Of course, I cannot even picture this girl but I did remember the name. Do you think I must have changed in 20 years?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Picture Rocks, Munising, MI

We took a 9 day long tour of the Upper Peninsula with our grandson, Ricardo. He loves to camp, but we sold our RV over the 4th of July (since we hadn't used it but just once in the last 2 years). But Andy's niece, Jill, was kind enough to let us borrow her pop-up camper. Andy and I both use to camping alot in pop-ups with our previous families, so this type of traveling was familiar to us. Although, this is not as easy and comfortable as our own RV with our own bathroom!! But again, it was only for 9 days! Not like we are living in it for a year.

Our first stop was Munising to see Picture Rocks and Lake Superior. We took the 2 hour boat ride...little long for Ricardo. But it is the best way to see those incredible rock formations that you can't see from land. It is a colorful expanse of forest-topped rocks. The next day, we hiked about 2 miles through a strenuous, rocky trail to the one of the rock over-looks (Minors Castle)and then down to the beach on Lake Superior. Once we arrive on the sand, what a sight! Perfect place for a picnic lunch on a piece of driftwood. The only problem was the hike back...up hill. Funny story. I met a family on the beach while we were eating lunch. The mom commented that a picnic lunch on the sand was a good idea. She was going back to the car and get theirs, too. They drove! Do you find something wrong with this picture? Yes, we hiked....2 miles. Hummmm.
I always say...."you can tell how good your vacation was by how many photos you took". I took 986 pictures. I guess it was a good vacation!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Frankenmuth, MI

We met my son, Neal, and his family in Frankenmuth for dinner. Andy had not been there for about 30 years and it has been around 7 years for me. But, have those dinner prices increased! It is now $20.99 per person for the family-style chicken dinner! Unbelievable....and both Zehnder and Bavarian Inn were packed. Can't tell the economy is in the toilet here!

But we had fun just being together and taking some very silly pictures, as you can tell. Even that new baby got into the fun! We met there to pick up Ricardo for a 2 week visit with us. Planning a camping trip to the UP. We are on our way to Copper Harbor, Porcupine Mountains and then down to Green Bay...and everything in between. Should be a great time!