Friday, August 26, 2011

Small Town Living Update

Just an update how our lives are in a small town in northern Michigan. I mentioned before we have a vegetable garden, hang our clothes on the line to dry, travel 30 miles once a week for groceries.

Thursday is Coney Day at the Mio Saloon. We usually try and go early and eat with the few locals (mostly bikers) but last night we went later and it was packed with "flatlanders". At first we thought there wouldn't be a table for us. Good coneys for only $1.00.

Today our garden produced three (3!!!) green beans. The plants are huge, taller then me and only 3 beans?? Although I did notice many flowers; must be late bloomers. We've had a few tomatoes and lots of peppers, both bell and banana peppers. Not enough produce to sell on M-33 like I thought we could do (ha!).

Today was our work day. Andy cut and split many down trees around us. Thanks to my sister who bought us a new electric chain saw, we now have enough fire wood to make it through the fall. Our only source of heat is a wood burning stove. Look at that pile of wood I arranged.

Tonight is the opening football game for the Mio Thunderbolts. We will be there!

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