Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Journey

Andy and I have decided to retire early. We put our home up for sale and it sold in 15 days...unheard of these days. So we are now planning to live our dream of traveling the US for the next 12 months in a RV. Hence our blog site....Life is a Highway. This site will take our family and friends on our journey. We are hoping to be on the road come early July. We have much to do before then. Like buying our new "home" and packing up a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house so it will fit in that RV. Sorting out our closets and basement has been hard at times trying to decide what to part with and what we actually have room to keep. We had our first garage sale last weekend and sold a lot with a profit of about $350.00. Every time someone left with our "junk" I had a story to tell about the item.

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