Friday, September 25, 2009

The Journey continues....

Getting ready to start our next leg of this amazing journey.
Arrived home from Europe and spent some time with my son and his family (and our wonderful grandson, Ricardo) and then with Verna (Andy's wonderful mom). We really missed family and what use to be home. It meant alot to us to reconnect with them before we pack up and leave again.
Our plan is to be on the road early Sunday morning. We first need to restock the RV, find our packed cold weather clothes, cut the grass and then winterize the cabin. I am finding this being on the road constantly takes some planning and organizing. But again, we feel so blessed we are able to even do this! We actually missed RV living. Although our living arrangement in Europe were real cramped quarters, even more so then our camper. Hard to believe.
We will be heading out through Canada by way of Niagara Falls to up state New York, Northern Vermont and New Hampshire, making our way down thru Bar Harbor, Maine. Looking forward to seeing some beautiful fall colors and out run the snow and cold weather. I hope to post some great photos early next week!

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