Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We 're Home!

Today we crossed the state line to beautiful Michigan!
Headed straight to the cottage to unload and clean RV, do load after load of laundry, quick visit with family, and then re-pack for our trip to Europe.
For those of you who don't know, Andy and I booked a 12 day trip to London and Paris way before we put our house up for sale. We never thought the house would sell so fast and we tried to reschedule the trip or cancel it without losing any money...shucks, no luck. Darn we HAVE to go to Europe! We leave early next Wednesday September 9th.
Because of the hassle of taking our laptop and cost of international Internet, we will be interrupting our blog for the time we are gone. We hope to be up and running around September 25th when we get back "on the road again" out east. Thanks for following us thru this journey and we hope you continue on the next "leg" when we head to Canada and up state New York to the New England states for the fall colors and then down the coast.

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