Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let's Check out Florida Healthcare!

Yes, this is Andy content reading on Casperson Beach in south Venice. Beautiful sunny day, but when this picture was taken, it was still cold. Finally, the temperatures are back up in the normal range: 74-75 degrees. Yeah!! We can't remember the last time we had windows opened in the RV.

Andy had surgery yesterday to remove a 4mm kidney stone from his right ureter and exploration of his bladder. He has been having blood in his urine since about July. We have been getting routine urinalysis while on the road and it was not improving. So, we saw a specialist in Tampa, he under went many tests and then the surgery was boarded. Everything went great! Bladder was fine, stone had been passed a week or so prior to the surgery, but it was still necessary to check everything else out. Although they still had to put in a stent, meaning he is in pain with spasms for the next 4-6 days until it is removed. But all this sort of explains why he was having back pain in August out in Washington state and again at Thanksgiving time in Baltimore. He thought it was all muscular. Well the muscle relaxers and pain pills did help. We are just glad it wasn't any worse then this. It was a real positive experience with the Florida health care system. Good to know since we are looking at buying a house down here.

We have been RVing for six months! Time is just flying by so fast. We still have so much more we want to do and see.

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