Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sunny Skies of Florida

Pictures look nice, huh?
Blue sky, sun shine. BUT ....very cold. We had to scrap frost (ICE) off our window this morning. Temperature said 32 degrees. If it is that cold in Florida, it may as well just snow!
We spent the day on Anna Maria Island checking out rental homes for the family to stay in April. Amanda's wedding is only 4 months away so we had alot of people to talk with. Also contacted the bakery for a cake and then got side tracked with the beauty of the beach! Took a walk, looked for more sea shells (can never have enough) and watched two dolphins swim just off shore. Walked the pier, but almost got blown off. Even the sea gulls were shivering and hanging on tight to the rail. Many people were braving the cold with their fishing poles or sitting out on the deck at Sharkey's restaurant. Andy and I lasted about 10 minutes. Except for the white sand, I could have sworn I was back in Michigan.
Today we have cable TV. Yeah! The park is feeling bad for our inconvenience and have compensated us with a $50.00 gift card to Outback Steakhouse and a reduced electrical bill at the end of the month. They did care about us being satisfied. Even the neighbors waved to us!! I guess we will stay and maybe make friends.

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