Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sunday, Claudia, Ricardo and Andy and I went to the Detroit Tiger game. They are in a series with the Oakland A's and have lost the first two games of this series. But today, they won...big time. Score was 10-2. At least 3 home runs and lots of rowdy fans cheering them on. Nothing is better then baseball on a hot summer Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Its Official...We Own a New Home

We finally closed on this house in Florida. It has really been an experience working with Freddie Mac and the government. The nice part of it all was the closing rep came to us here at our cabin in Mio. Unfortunately, the closes bank holding our money was in Bay City. Nothing seemed easy with this house. But it is a good buy!! And we think we will be very happy being snow birds! Still planning on moving our furniture down mid-June and stay about a week to set up house keeping, then will head back to Michigan until October. Here are a few pictures of the inside of the house, mostly the master bedroom and bath and the living space.
We are working almost non-stop around the cabin. But plan to take a break over the holiday weekend and spend it with my son and his family in Royal Oak. My daughter, Amanda, wants us to keep blogging about life here in the woods of northern Michigan. Believe me, it does have potential of being an adventure living here!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Home Sweet Home....Michigan

When we crossed the state line from Ohio, the new sign Welcome to Pure Michigan was embraced with mix emotions. Glad to have all that driving done with for a while, but also over whelmed with settling down and organizing our lives. Our cabin has boxes and furniture every where....I know we have this or that, but can't seem to find it. So where to start.
Like most things that Andy and I do, we just do it!
Spent 12 hours shopping for new appliances, six gallons of paint, floor tile for both the bath and kitchen, new kitchen counters and Satellite TV. The next day, kitchen floor has been put down and appliances delivered and old ones hauled away. Unfortunately, no satellite TV. It seems we live in a forest (actually, the Huron Nat'l Forest) and the trees are too tall, and too many, for us to receive any of the satellite signals! You would think in this day and age, this would not be a problem and signals should be obtained from any where!! Can you imagine, no TV for the next 5 months? Not even local stations. No Red Box within 30 miles. Now, if I find out that Netflix won't deliver, we may be back on the road.
But closets are cleaned out. Old memories and pictures filed away for future generations to enjoy. All the cob webs removed. RV emptied. One truck load to the dump, one to the local church. And some of our things put our tooth brushes.
Of course, we do have all summer. Although, it may take longer then that!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We left the Virginia/Baltimore area today. Heading home to Michigan.
Driving through the northwestern part of Maryland. This is a beautiful area of rolling hills, little population and limited traffic. We are loving it after spending five days in the congested east coast! This area takes you through the Allegheny Mt's.....up and down, up and down. It is a very narrow piece of Maryland. Traveling on I-68 if you reach your hands out on both sides of the car, one hand could touch Pennsylvania to the north and the other hand could touch West Virginia to the south =).

Our ten-and-a-half month "Living the Dream Traveling Journey" appears to be coming to an end. When we are done, we will have visited 42 states and 3 Canadian Provinces; put over 40,000 miles on the truck; replaced or repaired 7 tires; lost one hub cab; needed new brakes; lost our crapper hose on the highway; bent the stairs when cutting the ditch to sharp; and so much more!

The end does come with some sadness. Waking up in a new city or state every few days is unexplainable how this experience has been! The USA is a beautiful, diverse country. We've seen everything from mountains to deserts, oceans to craters, glaciers to canyons, farmland to busy city high rises and sometimes, vast amounts of nothingness. And....we've seen it all in different kinds of weather and temperatures! Although we were lucky enough to miss serious storms (no hurricanes, no tornados) but did manage to have our share of rain and snow storms. A few times we even had the furnace and AC on within 24 hours.

Even though we plan to "park" our mobile home in one spot for a few months, we are no where near the end of our journey!

So stay tuned. I will continue to blog. We have more plans and travels coming up.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Jennifer graduated today from George Mason University. She received a masters in education and graduated with a 4.00!! We couldn't be more proud of her. She accomplished this all by herself, working full time as a teacher here in northern Virginia.
The ceremony was lovely but took three days to finish....more like three hours, but Andy wanted me to write that! We have all sat through commencement. I passed the time by taking pictures, of everything. Exactly 85 pictures. Lucky for you all I didn't post them.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back in Virginia

We are in Petersburg, VA, just south of Richmond. Sailed through Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina! These areas are full of magnolia trees beginning to bloom. But once we crossed the state line into Virginia, the trees pretty much disappeared.
Petersburg is known for the longest siege of the Civil War occurring here, lasting 10 months and climaxing in the downfall of the Confederacy.
Not long after the war ended, Mary Logan, wife of Union commander General John Logan, witnessed a group of schoolgirls placing flowers on the graves of Petersburg defenders at the Old Blandford Church. Deeply moved when she saw the ritual repeated the next year, she related the story to her husband who took steps that ultimately led to the observance of Memorial Day as a national holiday. I love these stories!
We are wondering if winter is back? Temperature at 10:00 am was 84 degrees in Florence South Carolina, the thermometer dropped to 63 as we crossed into Virginia. Not liking it too much. We haven't had long pants on since Texas!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Knee High By The......

We are now in South Carolina, about 40 miles south of the North Carolina state line. We are truly in the "south". They still fly the Confederate flag every where, the local high school was practicing spring football in 84 degree heat, and the corn fields are already knee high!
We are only driving about 250-300 miles a day. Need to arrive in the Virginia area by Friday. This is just a "destination drive". Kinda boring. We may be heading into cooler weather; more clouds today and cooler nights, where we have had the windows open while sleeping. But I am not complaining....yet. We heard upper Michigan had snow last weekend! And we will be in upper Michigan come next week.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Home Update....

Finally....the house contract now has the correct name! All papers have been signed and agreed upon. The home inspection took place today and NO Chinese dry wall!! This was our biggest concern since the newer homes in Florida have shown to have this imported product. Nothing indicated this type of dry wall was used in our home so it was not recommended we do actual sample testing requiring cutting 5" squares out of the walls at $250.00 per each sample! That could be costly and take another few weeks to get back the results. We feel comfortable with our inspector and like this house more then the last time we were here. Also, the government replaced all the carpet and painted every room. This makes the home move-in ready for us. Now we just wait for the closing which should be before June 1st. We hope to move all our furniture down mid-June, stay for about a week, then come back for those beautiful Michigan summers. We already purchased our new appliances that will be delivered at the time we move in. Things seem to be falling in place. We are very excited!
Tomorrow we are hitting the road. Heading up the east coast to Virginia/DC area for Jennifer's graduation. All this house business has put us behind on our traveling schedule and we are not sure how much we will be able to see along the way. Her graduation ceremony is on Saturday. But hopefully, we will have new photos of something!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Wedding!

The wedding went off without a hitch! Except for the "hitching" of the happy couple.

The 50% prediction of rain only threaten, but never materialized. The cloudy sky did make for interesting pictures. But the wind was wicked! The girls and I paid money for our wind blown hair styles! A fun crowd of old high school and college friends, great food and all the family gathered together, made for a memorable weekend.
Come Sunday afternoon, Andy and I were exhausted! We hosted both the rehearsal dinner and a post-wedding breakfast at our rented beach house and invited all the guests. Those boys can eat! We felt it was the least we could do for all those who traveled down to Florida. Actually, it was fun! Andy took all these posted pictures, so he is not posing with me in any of them. Thank goodness Jennifer got a photo with her camera or all of you might think he didn't show up! I know the professional photographer got many family pictures of us though!
We are still going forward with the house. We signed the papers from the governments counter-offer. Now waiting for them to sign off, then we can have the home inspection. It has been a lengthy process since all the papers had our name as LONG, and we would not sign until it was changed to LANG. Imagine that? Yeah, they (the governments representatives) couldn't believe we wouldn't sign either! Therefore, it looks like we will be hanging around in Florida until that inspection takes place. Not really complaining since the weather has been 90 degrees, sunny,hot and humid. My kind of weather.