Monday, May 3, 2010

The Wedding!

The wedding went off without a hitch! Except for the "hitching" of the happy couple.

The 50% prediction of rain only threaten, but never materialized. The cloudy sky did make for interesting pictures. But the wind was wicked! The girls and I paid money for our wind blown hair styles! A fun crowd of old high school and college friends, great food and all the family gathered together, made for a memorable weekend.
Come Sunday afternoon, Andy and I were exhausted! We hosted both the rehearsal dinner and a post-wedding breakfast at our rented beach house and invited all the guests. Those boys can eat! We felt it was the least we could do for all those who traveled down to Florida. Actually, it was fun! Andy took all these posted pictures, so he is not posing with me in any of them. Thank goodness Jennifer got a photo with her camera or all of you might think he didn't show up! I know the professional photographer got many family pictures of us though!
We are still going forward with the house. We signed the papers from the governments counter-offer. Now waiting for them to sign off, then we can have the home inspection. It has been a lengthy process since all the papers had our name as LONG, and we would not sign until it was changed to LANG. Imagine that? Yeah, they (the governments representatives) couldn't believe we wouldn't sign either! Therefore, it looks like we will be hanging around in Florida until that inspection takes place. Not really complaining since the weather has been 90 degrees, sunny,hot and humid. My kind of weather.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy
    I’m probably the last person you’d want to hear from but I’d really like say something and hopefully I can do it without fumbling it. Here goes …I am so happy for you.

    I’ll explain why I feel compelled to tell you this. Last week I looked up Amanda’s Facebook page. Guy and I aren’t speaking but I knew Amanda’s wedding was sometime in April so I thought I’d look her up. In her posted photo albums I came across pictures of your wedding to Andy. I felt a little like an intruder, but the wedding was exquisite and both you and Andy looked radiant and in love. I couldn’t help feeling delight and maybe, I guess, some relief. Your whole family looked so excited, healthy and happy, I found myself feeling so proud of you. After all the pain and heartache of the divorce, there you were – strong, loved, and beautiful.

    Back on Amanda’s main page, your name appeared under parent. I couldn’t help it, I clicked on it. Your page is limited for strangers but I saw that you have a blog. I felt even more uneasy and invasive but curiosity got the better of me. I started reading it. The blog is fascinating and upbeat, I couldn’t help thinking how enviable your new life seems. The fun, the travel, and the love, all show –not just through the pictures but in your narrative and the loveliness of your words.

    I truly and sincerely hope your new life is all you could wish for and exceeds all dreams. Simply, you deserve it.
    Please forgive me for snooping into your new life but, hey –YOU GO GIRL!!!

    P.S. Good luck with the North Port house. Fred winters down in Nokomis (just north of Venice)

    Carol Jo York
