Monday, May 10, 2010

Home Update....

Finally....the house contract now has the correct name! All papers have been signed and agreed upon. The home inspection took place today and NO Chinese dry wall!! This was our biggest concern since the newer homes in Florida have shown to have this imported product. Nothing indicated this type of dry wall was used in our home so it was not recommended we do actual sample testing requiring cutting 5" squares out of the walls at $250.00 per each sample! That could be costly and take another few weeks to get back the results. We feel comfortable with our inspector and like this house more then the last time we were here. Also, the government replaced all the carpet and painted every room. This makes the home move-in ready for us. Now we just wait for the closing which should be before June 1st. We hope to move all our furniture down mid-June, stay for about a week, then come back for those beautiful Michigan summers. We already purchased our new appliances that will be delivered at the time we move in. Things seem to be falling in place. We are very excited!
Tomorrow we are hitting the road. Heading up the east coast to Virginia/DC area for Jennifer's graduation. All this house business has put us behind on our traveling schedule and we are not sure how much we will be able to see along the way. Her graduation ceremony is on Saturday. But hopefully, we will have new photos of something!

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