Sunday, July 31, 2011

64TH AuSable River Canoe Marathon

This is a 120 mile night time, non-stop canoe race from Grayling to Lake Huron in Oscoda. The race begins at 9:00PM on Saturday with 92 canoes lining main street in downtown. The teams then RUN through the streets for 4 blocks to the river edge, carry their canoes and trying to keep their canoes from tipping over in the chaos as they ALL try to enter the water in the same place. They paddle through out the night until the conclusion on Sunday morning.

The AuSable marathon is rated as one of the toughest races in the US and internationally and it is a tremendous challenge. Many come from out of state and Canada. One main challenge this year is the low water level and warmer temperatures. But a huge concern is portaging 4 dams, in the dark! One being in Mio (about the half-way mark). The first canoes are expected around 2:00AM. Andy and I got up and drove down to the river, not expecting a thousand plus people (drunk) waiting for the arrival of the teams. If you squint, in the first picture you may be able to make out the canoe in the dark....the first place team (so far).

The start of the race was a little more "sedate" with the crowd cheering and encouraging the teams into the water. Again, well over a thousand people on the banks of the AuSable waiting. The teams are made up of male and female combinations. Actually, one spectator in the audience was the female winner on the 1959 race!! Girl power back then?!? She looked to be in her late 70's. But there were many spectators present that had been coming to this event for 50-60 years. Yes....our first time and I have been coming here since I was in diapers. One year I did see the start of the race, but only the running down to the river! Now, I got to see the actual jumping-in start.

Berry Picking

Andy and I got on the road at 7:00 AM to berry pick!! Yeah, that's early for retired people. We first went to pick raspberries about 2 miles outside of Rose City, arriving at 7:45 and there were already a few pickers there. Picking is addictive...we couldn't stop. We ending up with 4 large quarts....way too many. But I did freeze them and hope to make some jam later in the week.
Next, we drove just outside of West Branch to pick blueberries. Today was the first day for picking for the season, so there were many berries still not ripe. Although we were told that most of them will ripe overnight if left out on the counter. Lots of people here this morning. People love their Michigan blueberries! We picked almost 5 quarts. Again, way too many! Some berries were given to both Verna and our neighbors. Now these blueberries will also be frozen and thawed for our cereal every morning.

We may have to go back in a week or so to pick more!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mackinaw Island 2011

Mackinaw Island is Michigan's greatest escape! It is like being in a different world and time. Easy life style, no orange barrels, no rush hour (altho there is traffic with bikes and horses!) poor cell phone reception making people interact personally with each others, and no central air or TV in most hotel rooms. I love it!!!

The only means of transportation are bikes, horses or good walking shoes. Andy and biked the perimeter of the island, 8.5 miles. Easy to do with the correct bike and the paved flat surface. If you bike through the middle along the airport and golf course, there are big inclines. But the environment BEGS you to relax. The atmoshphere encourages you to EAT. And the quietness REQUIRES you to interact.
Native Americans traveling to the Straits region likened the shape of the island to that of a turtles' back and named it Michilimackinac, Land of the Great Turtle. Mackinac Island National Park became Michigan's first state park in 1895. Eighty percent of the island is a state park, 20% privately owned or owned by the city. Growing concerns for public health and safety in the 1920s led to regulatory systems which remain in effect today to restrict motor vehicles. Interesting facts!
We stayed at Haan's Bed and Breakfast, a 1830 Victorian home that has been in the present owners family for the past 30 years. Great breakfast, our own bath and a window air conditioner (rare on the island). The owner may be needing a part time manager next summer....I offered, but I would also change the beds and clean to have a summer job next year on the island. Getting my resume ready. Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Ouga Members

Amanda and Jordan came for a visit over the weekend. All Jordan and Andy wanted to do was play golf, everyday! Well, they did. Amanda and I shopped at the outlet mall and visited with my sister and toured all the Amish stores while they were sweating in the sun. Every night we "marshed marshmellows" and made smores, then played cards. Yes, the girls are now the Euchre queens!! But, one thing we did do out of the ordinary was go to the Hillcrest Bar outside of Rose City and ouganized the gang. I have been a member for about 12 years....actually I have one of the original Ouga buttons. Makes me old!

But Amanda has been waiting 26 years to become a member!!! They have been sworn to secrecy about their initiation, so don't ask them how they became members!! Just come on up and become one yourself! You will be in good company: Kirt Gibson, Dave Rozema, Ted Nugent, and I think also Bob Seger are all members!!! We had the best time and Andy and I were not even drinking...

We ended our weekend with a two and a half canoe trip down the Ausable River. The river was very crowded, shore-to-shore with tubes and drunks. Actually, Jordan and Amanda almost ran over a man in a wheel chair, in the river! Crazy! much fun!

Mud Bog in Mio, MI

Mio has Mud Bogs three times through out the summer. Finally, we got to see one on 4th of July weekend! We had front row seats (in our lawn chairs behind the yellow caution tape. At one point, I thought we might get mud thrown at us! Now these drivers take this past-time very seriously. Maybe next year Andy will drive!! Not quite Nascar driving, but this is MIO!