Sunday, July 31, 2011

Berry Picking

Andy and I got on the road at 7:00 AM to berry pick!! Yeah, that's early for retired people. We first went to pick raspberries about 2 miles outside of Rose City, arriving at 7:45 and there were already a few pickers there. Picking is addictive...we couldn't stop. We ending up with 4 large quarts....way too many. But I did freeze them and hope to make some jam later in the week.
Next, we drove just outside of West Branch to pick blueberries. Today was the first day for picking for the season, so there were many berries still not ripe. Although we were told that most of them will ripe overnight if left out on the counter. Lots of people here this morning. People love their Michigan blueberries! We picked almost 5 quarts. Again, way too many! Some berries were given to both Verna and our neighbors. Now these blueberries will also be frozen and thawed for our cereal every morning.

We may have to go back in a week or so to pick more!

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