Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Count down begins!

Counting down to our European adventure....Leaving  in 4 weeks!
Here is the plan....
Closing up the Florida home and driving up to Maryland so we can arrive for grandson Sawyers 1st birthday on May 21st. Our flight leaves for Amersterdam on May 24th. Andy has been working very hard on arranging this 6 week "tour" of Europe and we are both so excited. Not only because we love to travel, but can finally see our two children and their families who have moved over there! Oldest son Neal and wife Claudia, along with grandsons Ricardo and Victor, are in Brussels. Daughter Jennifer and her husband Jimmy, along with grand daughter Alex, are in Vienna. Hard being away from family, but certainly will be good to see them all!
Now that I know my blog is still up and running, I can keep you all informed of the good things we will experience as well as the mishaps....yes, there will be mishaps. Nothing can be done to avoid it. That is why it's called an ADVENTURE!!

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