Monday, February 22, 2010

Big Bend Nat'l Park and The Rio Grande

Big Bend was named for the great curve in the Rio Grande. The Rio Grande runs the boarder between Texas and Mexico and lies at the south end of the park. This national park has enormous vistas, shadowy canyons, desert landscape and the Chisos Mountains. Most of the landscape is very rocky, so our hiking poles really came in handy. Some of the boulders were lose making us unsure of our footing. We hiked in two different areas. The first hike was about three miles, mostly up hill, to the Balanced Rock. The paths were marked well with signs, so we knew it was worth the climb! What a view from the top! When we started out in the morning, the temperature was only 34 degrees. But by noon, it was 77 degrees and the long jeans only made that climb harder. We took a long rest and ate lunch under the Balanced Rock.
Our next hike to the Rio Grande canyon was about one-and-a-half miles, again a rocky climb but well worth the view. The other side of the river is Mexico. We saw many Mexican men paddling canoes over to the US shore. It appeared they had set up different areas along our hiking paths with hand made hiking sticks and painted stones that were for sale. Next to the items was a glass jar for your money. It was "on your honor" so to speak. I did buy two hand painted walking sticks for our grand children. It was amazing to see a lot of dollar bills stuffed in those jars. Since 2002, there is no longer a legal border crossing in the park. But on the way out of the park, about 60 miles north, there is a Border Crossing station which we were required to stop at and were asked questions. Interestingly, the guard was from Romeo, Michigan!
Not much wild life; actually, disappointing. We saw many white tailed deer, jumping every which way. But we did see 3 or 4 roadrunners. Small little critters. They have running speeds up to 20 mph and pursues lizards and small rattlesnakes. They peck them to death with stunning blows of their beak.

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