Saturday, February 20, 2010

In Between Nowhere and Nothing

We left San Antonio and headed west on I-10 towards El Paso, Texas. There is nothing out there. Yes, we saw electrical poles and wires, leading to no where. Some exit ramps, leading to no where. Very few cars on the road. Now this is the main Interstate going west to would think there would be cars. What vehicles we saw were semi trucks or RVs.
The speed limit is posted 80 mph. Now that says it all. But the crosswinds were heavy today, swaying the camper back and forth, no way this thing will make it to 80! Actually that rocking motion puts me right to sleep. Poor Andy. At times it seems he is on this car ride alone. But his past time is trying to find a "friend" to draft behind to help with our gas mileage. He had found one for about 75 miles today, but apparently that trucker was over come by the same boredom as me and had to pull off to close his eyes. As we passed him on the side of the road, his head was already slumping over. Hope he makes it to his destination.
On this leg of our journey, we have decided to only drive between 150-200 miles a day. It keeps us within our gas budget and helps to have a more relaxing trip. We start around 10:30 am and are at our camp site around 3:00pm. It gives us some time to see the sites. But not today...there were no sites to be seen!

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