Saturday, February 13, 2010

On The Road Again....

We've been in Florida for 10 weeks.
Moved 9 times to different campgrounds.
It's the coldest on record for the state. Can't remember the last time we had shorts on! The pan handle even had snow yesterday. But we are going to try and miss that white stuff.
We left this morning and are going to spend the night just east of Pensacola, then zip through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The temperature in those states will only be in the high 40's and freezing temperatures at night. Too cold. We plan to continue traveling west without slowing down until we hit southern Texas near San Antonio; straight across I-10. Hopefully it will be warmer there and then we will hit all that we missed on our way back to Florida in mid-April.
It was 42 degrees when we turned onto I-75, cloudy and windy.
Quite sad leaving our family in Tampa. Especially our grand daughter Kailey. It was good to spend all that time with them! We will be back in 62 days and she is counting down on her calender. She is using sad faces on each day until we return.
Andy and I have been trying to buy a house around the Venice area while here. We actually put offers in on three different homes. Each home had between 3-5 other offers. Most of the time, the home sold for more then the asking price. We hate this bidding war. It appears to be a sellers market on these banked owned homes. It has been frustrating, all the homes were newer and in great shape. But we'll try again in April.
It has been a while since we've been on the road traveling. A long drive today but looking forward to giving you in site on our South West tour. Feeling good to be moving again!
On the road now for seven months. Stilling liking our freedom. Still liking each other. Where else can you enjoy a hot dog on a stick, roasted over an open campfire followed by a s'more!!

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