Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our first time out in the boat

Yah!! The boat fit in the back of the truck. Altho, a trailer would be nice...kinda heavy to lift!

Yes, that is Andy, on the phone. No, he's not trying to figure out how to attach it. He is trying to figure out how to start it! The motor was already on once, we sat in the boat and then put it back in the truck! We couldn't get it started. Once we got back home, Andy cleaned the spark plugs, tinkered with it and it started. Back to the water.

Score keeping.....Nancy 5, Andy 3 1/2 fish!! I say 1/2 fish because it was soooo small it could have been used for bait! Most of the fish were just pan fish, but I did catch a base about 10-12 inches! All were catch and release! No living creature harmed during this fun.

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