Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our new adventure

Andy and I were brain storming on how to make extra spending money, without having to find a real job. So we decided to make crafts and sell them at local craft shows this summer. So, we got busy sawing, painting and glueing all hours of the night. Most craft shows charge $30.00 to $50.00 a day to have a 10 x 10 space; that eats into our profit. BUT, our local flea market has spots for $10.00 for both weekend days!!! we think. Bought ourself a REAL CHEAP canopy and set up our "little store". Two days of sitting in the sun (too windy for the cheap canopy. Might hurt someone when it blows away) and we sold nothing. Yes, nothing! So now we have early birthday and Christmas gifts for our families.

We may try one craft show because I am convinced we have cool stuff and they are priced right. Just different kind of people attending those flea markets....too many men for one. Unless any one out there in cyber world wants to buy something they see!?!

We both had grand plans for the money we were going to make. Andy wants a golf course GPS. Huh, something I think you could live without. Me, on the other hand, wanted to buy a plane ticket (actually two) to visit with Amanda in Baltimore and then one to Florida to visit with the grand kids. Sorry kids.

We are growing a garden this summer and the onions and green beans are coming up. Maybe we can set up a vegetable stand on M-33.

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