Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finally...a picture of the RV

Andy and I "closed" on the Rv tonight.

It was really painless after buying the truck last night. General RV Center will store it for us until we are ready to leave. Neal refuses to let us park it in his drive, and in 19 days we will no longer have a drive of our own. I love my kitchen. The rest of the pictures of the "house" didn't turn out. It was rainy and very dreary so the lighting was poor. But there will be others uploaded when we actually move in! When we go and take occupancy the RV center will give us an inservice or demo of how to work everything. Sort of like a Dummys Guide. This is way different then the pop up camper, I am thinking this is easier.
This last 30 days has been a whirl wind. We sold a house, bought a RV, sold a car, bought a truck, sub leased a car, sold un-needed furniture, quit our jobs! We will be living the dream.

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