Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Check out our new "ride". This is one bad ass truck. I need a booster seat to see over the steering wheel. I had the seat pulled all the way to the front and still couldn't see over the hood to the end of the truck. That will make it hard to park! It has so much pick up power, I burnt rubber when I took off.
Can you see Andy's little head in the window? He even looks like a midget. But there is no doubt that this truck will be able to pull our new RV especially with that HEMI engine! And because the bed has a great liner and cover over it, I can put ALL my shoes in a storage container and put them in there. That will leave more room in my tiny little RV closet.
Tomorrow we are "closing" on the RV and I will upload those pix for all to see. Now this is getting exciting. Things are happening fast and falling into place. Of course, we are a little over budget. Our newest purchase was more then anticipated. We will have to cut some where else. Andy's thinking we can cut some cost by spending a few nights in the Walmart parking lots! We read that it is open to RV's just for the night who are passing through. I know my kids are embarrassed now for sure....

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