Thursday, June 4, 2009

Finding a new "home"

We are planning on buying a travel trailer, approximately 24-26 feet long. Which also means a new truck to pull that trailer. So Andy and I went out "shopping". He found a Dodge Ram truck. BIG. HUGE. MASSIVE. I stood at the front and the hood came up to my chin....which means I could not been seen. I also need a step ladder to get into the cab. Once I am in it, I look like a midget except everyone will see me because it is fire engine RED! To say the least, we are still looking. So much to decide: do we need a 4.7 or 5.5 and then should we get a 4x2 or 4x4???? Numbers to me, although they do mean something to Andy.

The travel trailer should be easier to buy. We are buying used. Hopefully very clean with no dead mice living in the storage areas. We need one with a microwave and stove. Andy will continue to bake cookies for our travels. And an outside shower. Andy thinks that is what he is suppose to use since the inside one is sooooo small. But it is used to wash the sand off after a day at the beach. Kailey will love it! When we finally buy, I'll get some photos up to view our new pad.

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