Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bar Harbor, Maine

Again, we woke up to more RAIN.
According to the coast of Maine was under a flood watch. This makes for bad sight seeing, bad picture taking, and bad hair days! Still haven't seen the sun, but the rain did let up for a few hours this afternoon. And then the fog rolled in. The tourism board advertises that "Acadia National Park are among the first people in the US to watch the sunrise"....well that would be nice to see.
The coast of Maine is beautiful with the rugged, mountainous terrain hugging the coastline, reaching down to the ocean. Spent most of our time today walking through Bar Harbor, in and out of little shops and then walking along the harbor board walk looking at the fishing and sail boats. There were two cruise ships in port today, so many tourist walking the town. Met several other couples traveling the US just as we are. Actually, this one couple we have been running into since Vermont and met them again on the streets in Bar Harbor! He still had on his same Oregon sweatshirt. That's how we meet people....Andy wore his Michigan shirt today and people feel they need to comment. (Yes, we know U of M lost!) We decided to take to the coast line for some solitude and exploring after a short time shopping.

Tomorrow planning on going into Acadia National Park and doing some hiking and exploring the rest of Mount Desert Island. Unless the rain continues....

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