Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Camden, Maine

Arrived in the mid-coast area of Maine. This area at one time was very rich with ship building and has many large fishing ports. In the late 1800's this area was wealthy as shown by the hundreds of mansions built along the coast. Many of these today are Bed and Breakfast or Inns. Although the areas are still thriving with active downtown's, many people (I assume tourist) walking, shopping and eating....just like us.
Above photo is a granite breakwater extending seven-eighths of a mile across Penobscot Bay, leading to the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse. Andy claims he read, there are over 730,000 tons of granite on that breakwater. We were trying to pick out our next granite slab for the kitchen. The lighthouse was built in 1888 and is still functional. We walked out there and back just as the sun was setting. We could live here! But NOT in the winter!
Our funny story for the day: went to Walmart (where else, you might ask) and decided to check out a video from those Redbox vending machines. We were excited because it only cost $1.05 for 24 hours. Got back to the camper and realized we had no electricity. We were dry camping in the Walmart parking lot that night. But decided we would be creative and went to the local laundromat to do a few loads of dirty clothes and watched it there on our laptop, until it closed and it had to be continued at McDonalds. ...we only had another 45 minutes left and had to find a plug some where! The things we've learned to do on a limited retirees budget.

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