Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cape Cod, Mass

Stopped in Plymouth, Mass on our way to Cape Cod. Andy had never seen PLYMOUTH ROCK or the Mayflower (only a replica). It took 120 years after the Pilgrims landed here for it to be recognized as the actual spot! The rock is now protected by a granite shelter to prevent further vandalism. The town of Plymouth is very quaint, but has become more touristy then I remembered. It is still a typical New England looking town on the water, though.
We are in Cape Cod. Planning on spending about three or four days here, depending on the weather. Rain is predicted again, for tomorrow. But the last 2 days have been sunny with fall like temperatures, that we are thankful. The Cape has a 39-mile-long bike trail that we are hoping to ride on. Most likely not the entire trail! But it would be nice to get those bikes off the back of our camper.
For the past week, we have stayed in fairly large campgrounds (about 100 sites, or so), and we have been the only campers there. Very quiet and the great advantage of camping in the off season. But tonight, on Cape Cod, this campground is about 200 sites and they are expecting most all sites to be full (the weekend is here). This place is crowded with congested traffic, even in off seasons!
Our initial view of the area show some elaborate, huge homes, showing the prosperous fishing and whaling center from years past. Everything is very well kept, great landscaping, and no "bad" parts of town. But it does appear the Cape has become over developed and may be losing some of its charm. The trees have only begun to change their colors in Massachusetts, unlike the peak colors in Vermont and New Hampshire.

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