Friday, October 16, 2009

The SNOW has arrived!!

The main reason we decided to sell our home and cars and travel the USA, was to avoid the cold and snow. So, who planned this trip???
After we arrived back to our secluded campground in north New Jersey from NYC, we realized we were on the edge of a snow storm. It was a very wet snow, making the trees around us bend, some branches even touching the ground. Worse yet, the ranger met us at the gate saying that a driver spun out and hit an electrical pole, knocking out all power. The temperature was dropping down into the mid- twenties before our eyes. We had been putting on the furnace for days, just to take the chill out of the air. But last night, it was on all night. We were afraid of pipes freezing, and US. This RV is not insulated, at all. We debated about packing up and heading further south, out of the path of the snow, but thought the roads maybe too slick pulling the RV. We stayed and waited it out.
It was actually quite warm in our down feather bed, on top of flannel sheets, flannel PJ's and covered with a down comforter. All night I could hear the clumps of wet snow drop on the top of the camper or the whistling wind pushing it into the windows. About 3:00am I heard a tree crack and fall. I never went back to sleep. after that....just waiting for one to fall on us. Andy just kept snoring. This night has landed in the top three worse nights of our entire JOURNEY. The first worse night was when the RV frame broke, and stranded us homeless. The second was sleeping in the truck because there were "no rooms in the inn". Of course, my imagination took the best of me: How were we going to die: freeze, carbon monoxide poisoning or crushed by a fallen tree.??? You must admit, they were all possibilities; at least in my mind, not Andy's.
Around 6:30am I was awaken by a chain saw outside our window. Two men were cutting up that fallen tree over the road!! But we survived.

And it is still raining, although no snow here as we arrived in Atlantic City. Hoping this city will bring us some luck, one way or another.

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