Sunday, October 11, 2009

Martha's Vineyard, Mass

Spent the day on Martha's Vineyard today. This is a very popular resort area due to its quaint atmosphere and beaches, but also because of the proximity to Cape Cod and the East Coast. There are ferries that run year round to the island. There are six main cities, which we visited three of them....on our bikes. It was rough going (for me) with the wind coming off the open bay and we haven't been on our bikes (for long distances) in a while! But we made it back!!! The ferry didn't leave us behind, but my legs are sore.
The ferry landed at Vineyard Haven which is a picturesque community and principal commercial center; Oak Bluffs has brightly painted gingerbread cottages and the Flying Horses, the oldest continuously-working carousel in America; and Edgartown is an elegant yachting center with whaling captains stately homes lining its streets. We loved all the communities with the great end-of-the-season bargains in the shops and even the candy stores (50% off ice cream and candy...yeah!).
We went out to the far east side to Edgartown hoping to see Chappaquiddick and the famous bridge. We didn't realize that Chappaquiddick is an island in itself and the bridge is on the other side of that island....way to far to walk it! And I am sure it is JUST a bridge, like any other. And we really didn't miss anything by not seeing it!
Interesting fact: the island was discovered by British explorer Bartholomew Gosnold, which was replete with wild grapes, and he named it for his daughter, Martha.
Sad to be leaving the Cape tomorrow. Many things in this area are closing down for the season, we are getting kicked out! But the weather is also turning real cold, like most of the country, so we need to head south. Working our way down to New York City for the weekend, but no real plans where we are going to be over the next week. Just going to wake up in the morning and go!

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