Friday, July 24, 2009

Banff Nat'l Park, Alberta, Canada... Thursday July 24

Today we went to the Columbia
Ice fields outside of Lake Louise and
Jasper Nat'l Park. This glacier is 4
miles long and 1/2 mile wide and
they transport you out there in these "government Arctic trucks". We were able to walk on it, drink true mountain spring water and throw snow balls. The temperature with the wind chill was about 40-45 degrees up there. In our car the thermometer said 78!!! It was a real cooool experience.
Here are some highlights: Saw a black bear finally and a bighorn sheep, right on the side of the road. Pretty exciting. We have done a lot of hiking, and not on flat terrain. Also we met a couple from Mass who have been on the road for 51 days after retiring. This is encouraging, they are still speaking to each other! They were in the BIG RV next to us in the over flow camping area, which was free. We camped there for 2 days....can't beat the price. The couple on the other side helped us figure out how to roll out our awning. We had no idea how to do it and asked them, but they spoke french, and minimal english!! But sign language is universal. Some great people we have been meeting. This is truely a life experience.

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