Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Glacier National Park July 21, Tuesday


Spent the entire day in Glacier National Park. Entered the east entrance and road to Logans Pass where we hiked for about 3 hours. This one trail took us to the pictures above. The hike was 3 miles in which we climbed up 1000 feet, to an elevation of 7,700. As you see, we hiked thru snow to a glacier lake. Along the trail we encountered numerous mountain goats, some as close as 10 feet. The scenary was breathtaking! If you click on the pictures, they enlarge so you can see all the details.

After we hiked this trail, we decided to go and see the Grinnell Glacier further inside the park. We wanted to see Sperry Glacier, in which you can walk out onto, but it was closed due to heavy bear sitings. So we get on the narrow trail about 0.3 miles when Andy gets nervous because we don't have bells or pepper spray, as recommended, and we return to the car. We drive about 1 mile down the road and spot a brown grizzly walking across the road into those same woods!!

It was a great day. Tomorrow we head to Calgary, then on to Banff. Alaska is getting closer!

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