Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 2 Seems like Saturday, but I guess it is really Sunday

Pretty boring drive thru Wisconsin and Minnesota. Miles and miles and miles of hilly green farmland. Interesting tho there are areas that have hundreds of "wind turbines" in the middle of those farms. Crossed the great Mississippi near the beginning at La Crosse, WI. So different from what the mouth of the river looks like in New Orleans.

We established roots at Walmart today. We had to transfer all of our prescriptions so we could have them filled any where in the US. Now this could led to future employment possibly for both of us! The highlight today was eating lunch in the camper, in the Walmart parking lot while waiting for those pills to be filled.

We did arrive in South Dakota for the night. But tomorrow we have about another 5 hours to drive before we get to the Bad Lands and Mt Rushmore. Today we drove 450 plus miles. Time seems to go by pretty fast; Andy and I just talk and talk while in the car. Lets see if that continues in another few months.

Until next time....

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