Saturday, July 11, 2009

We are finally off! Retirement begins....

The day has finally arrived. Even the morning rain didn't dampen our spirits. Altho we left later then we wanted (11 AM), we made pretty good time. Arrived in Milton, Wisconsin just south of Madison. We are following I-90 across to the Bad Lands in South Dakota. We had some white knuckle moments thru construction outside of Chicago. The truck and camper rides good, but we are having problems passing the gas stations...only getting 10 miles to the gallon! And Andy almost took out the gas pump on his first tour thru the gas station.
Our first night entertainment is watching fire works from our dining room table over the nearby cornfields and smelling the camp fires. Tomorrow we hope to get to the South Dakota state line and the next night to Mt Rushmore. We need to make it to Fairbanks, Alaska by Aug 3rd when my sister, Crazy Aunt Sue, will fly in to join us for a week, pending vacation approval from her supervisor.
Until we check in tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. We are sooo excited for both of you!!! Looking forward to hearing about your travels.
