Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday....Day 8 (seems like day 80)

Left Yellowstone today and on the way to Glacier Nat'l Park in northern Montana. The pictures above are Old Faithful erupting, a grizzly bear who refused to look at the camera, and Mammoth Hot Springs (no, that isn't snow).
We have no pictures from today since we were in the car all day. Today was the day from HELL.
It started at 4 am with the CO2 sensor alarming.....waking up the entire campground around us. Stumbling in the dark trying to quiet it by turning off the propane tank and disconnecting the RV battery. We weren't sure if we had a gas leak, so crawled in the truck with the down comforter to finish sleeping. We thought our battery was pretty much drained and that is why it was alarming. We have spent 3 days with no electricity (or reliable phone or Internet service). Yellowstone is pretty rustic camping unless you have a large, fancy RV with a generator back up. Some of you now aren't so envious of us, right?? Then on the interstate, we ran over a block of wood and it broke our back jack/leveler. On the way up to Glacier, we traveled thru 54 miles of road construction on bumpy dirt and loose gravel. Our black truck now is white and most of the cabinet contents were displaced on the floor!!
We are hoping to walk on some glaciers tomorrow and look forward to a much better day.

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