Saturday, December 26, 2009


We had one of the most relaxing, stress-free holiday....ever!
We hope that Neal, Jennifer and Amanda also had less stress during their holiday celebration since we weren't around. We DO realize how hard it is juggling all the other families and friends and trying to split your time between them all.
Although, for about 5 minutes, we did reenact a scene from National Lampoon Christmas Vacation. Andy and I bought our grand daughter a bike but didn't bring it out until all the gifts were unwrapped. We had hidden it in their storage closet out on the lanai. As our son-in-law, Chris, cut off the instruction booklet, he started yelling and jumping; Kailey, Alyson and I started screaming (instinctively, unaware, why). It appeared a cock roach (HUGE COCK ROACH) came in with the bike. But the scene that followed trying to find and catch it, was hysterical. No insect was harmed during the hunt. Andy and Chris captured it in a drinking glass and threw it outside (only to come back at another time, I am sure, because it is Florida!).
Santa (a.k.a. The Beaudoin family) were very good to us. We had our own stockings stuffed full of great, useful things and received a Blu-ray DVD player. Yeah! Can't wait to use it. We only hope it is easier to hook up then the printer that Amanda and Jordan bought us; we returned and bought 3 different printers. It seems our lap top won't allow the soft wear to be downloaded.

This morning we decided to go and see New Moon, being the Twilight-junkies that we all are. The movies at AMC here in Tampa have movies all for $5.00 before noon. Checked and double checked the times...10:25. When we arrive, New Moon doesn't show until 4:30 and 10:45 PM. But Alyson's iPhone still says there is a 10:25 AM showing. The ticket attendant sends us to talk with the manager. He explains that AMC decided to cancel the morning showings for New Moon because its been out for a while and its the holidays. Does this make sense? But we were given tickets for the 4:30 showing FREE along with 2 FREE popcorn's and 2 FREE soda's!!! Now that makes sense. The manager said that was to compensate us for our unnecessary trip. But he must have compensated alot of others, too, since we ending up sitting in the second row.

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