Sunday, December 6, 2009

St Augustine, Florida

We have arrived in Florida! Our place of residency for the next seven weeks.
Our first stop after the Florida visitor center, to get our free glass of orange juice (to welcome us), was the Fountain of Youth. Of course, they charge you $8.00. I guess youthfulness comes with a price. The legendary Fountain of Youth was sought after by Jaun Ponce de Leon for Spain. The park contains a Timucuan Indian spring and a cross of coquina stones excavated in 1909 that is thought to be the claiming landmark.
St Augustine is the oldest, continuously occupied European settlement in the US. The Old City has a strong Spanish origin with typical Spanish houses with walled patios enclosing Old World gardens, lining the many narrow streets. We felt like we were walking in Europe.
The Castillo de San Marcos, the oldest masonry fortress was built in 1672-95 as part of the defenses along the route of treasure fleets and pirates. The symmetrical fort is a massive diamond shaped with 12 feet thick walls and 28 feet high, and skirted by a moat on three sides. We will be going back tomorrow to tour the inside of the fort, since someone forgot the National Park pass.
The town is all decorated for Christmas. We waited in the park for dark to see all the mini lights inside the Spanish moss oaks and palm trees light up. Still hard to believe it is Christmas time. We have no decorations, no tree and without the cold and snow, we are finding it hard to get in the spirit....except for the none-stop Christmas music! I'm sure that will change once we arrive at Alyson's and help them put up their tree and decorations.

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