Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The weather has turned a little cooler then expected. The high today was only 60 degrees, but in got down into the 30's last night. Boy, was it cold. Back to the flannel sheets and flannel PJ's. It was so cold, even our grand daughter slept in our bed, between us, hogging the bed and covers.

Kind of bored today. Tried to find something exciting and fun and different to do.

So, we buzzed Andy's head! He is always thinking of ways to stretch that dollar. He went and bought a Wahl shaving kit with all the different attachments. Andy started at the temples, I did the back and top. Looks great, although I think it could be shorter! It was easier then we thought it would be, but hair every where!

Andy spent some "alone time" and went golfing. He said the course was so, so but enjoyed the gator he ran into sunning himself on the third hole.

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