Monday, December 7, 2009

Failure to Launch

Arrived this morning in the Titusville/Cape Canaveral area. A huge change in the weather, warm with temperature of 77 degrees. We are expecting rain later, as always in Florida. But interesting, last night we had the furnace on, today we are dressed in shorts!

We drove over to the Kennedy Space Center and NASA expecting to take a tour. Well, at $38.00 a ticket, on a fixed income, we decided to forgo the experience. Instead I put on the long range lense and took pictures from the "cheap seats"on the other side of the river. To our surprise and fortune, we discovered armadillos, wild boars, and a turkey buzzard. Although, we were hoping to find alligators or pink flamingo' luck there! That side of the river is the Canaveral National Seashore.
We did get a pretty good picture of the launching pads, the Vehicle Assembly Building (the final stop before the Space Shuttle rolls out to those pads) and the actual rockets of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. An interesting fact: Kennedy Space Center is the only place in the world where man has launched from Earth and traveled to the moon.
Heading over to the Tampa area tomorrow and looking forward to putting down permanent anchors for a while and possibly meeting friends and enjoying the pass time activities; like BINGO. We can actually unroll our awning, put up party lights and set up our lawn chairs.

1 comment:

  1. Does that mean your bloggin days are coming to an end?? :(
