Friday, December 18, 2009

Its Not All Fun and Games

Its not all fun and games down here. Some times you can't find things to do. You have to work (yes, work!) at finding entertainment. Like yesterday, we rode our bikes to Cracker Barrel Restaurant to buy some 40% off Christmas ornaments ( for a tree we don't have) and found ourselves on their front porch rocking in those ladder back rockers and playing checkers. I had Andy cornered with my 5 kings, but made a stupid move and forfeited the game! Possibly a rematch in the future. That was our highlight for the day other then spending more quality time with our grand daughter. She will be staying the weekend with us again. Need to work on finding things to keep her busy and avoid boredom.
Today it is raining with some flooding on the east coast. It appears this will be a "down" day for us. Just relaxing, reading and watching all those cable shows. Still finding it hard to believe Christmas is only a week away!

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