Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heading south

Finally left the Baltimore/D.C. area. We were "camped" here for about four-and-a-half weeks. Jordan said it only felt like 7 months! But, they will miss us. In a few days it'll hit them that their servants are gone and no more home cooking, clean bathrooms, laundry folded, dog walked and fed. We really did enjoy our stay with both Amanda and Jennifer and appreciate their boyfriends for putting up with us. The girls had no choice, we are family and that's part of the deal.
We accomplished alot tho, in the time we spent there. All the wedding details are done; even the invitations are addressed and stamped. All of our Christmas shopping is done and wrapped; some gifts were even exchanged. But it is good to be on the road again. After living out of a suitcase and shopping bags, we moved back into the RV. We have accumulated more "stuff" and finding it hard to find room for it all. We have been living a different lifestyle staying at the girls, like warmth, windows open to let in fresh air. We now have the furnace on and curled up under throw blankets. The outside temperature is about 45 degrees and with little insulation, about 45 degrees inside too! Can't wait to become a "snowbird". Makes us sound real old, doesn't it???
We are heading south along the eastern coast. Our first stop is Williamsburg, VA to visit the Historic Triangle of Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown.
Stay tuned for tomorrows photos and info after touring the sites.....

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