Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can you "total" your home?

Looks normal. But we have a major problem.

The two rear spring connectors broke free from the frame, ruined the axle, bent the frame and damaged all of the tires. Actually one tire had the steel belts showing. Damn those Alaskan roads!!
Thanks to a local camper (actually a bum living in a real old RV in the Walmart parking lot) who came over to borrow some toilet paper (because Walmart wouldn't let him use his food stamps to purchase the toilet paper) commented that he could smell a propane gas leak. Andy and I were having problems with getting hot water, so we thought it might be our camper. As Andy was looking under the camper, he discovered all the damage. Again...we were very lucky! We had just crossed into the US into Bellingham, Washington. We could have been driving down the mountains or been stranded in Canada in the middle of nothingness. It is great to be back in the U.S.A.
The nice man who towed our camper said it looked like it could be totaled! That is our home. You can't total a home! It took about 24 hours to get an estimate on the damage and our insurance approval, but looks like it all can be fixed and better then before.
Presently, we will be living in hotels for the next week. Our RV insurance is pretty good and will cover also those expenses plus food. So we decided to continue traveling. We headed down the coast of Washington and into Oregon. I read in "1,000 Places to See Before You Die" that the Coastal Hwy 101 down Oregon is just as beautiful has the California Hwy 1. We may try to head into the Redwood Nat'l Park in northern California (if time allows) before heading back to Seattle and the San Juan Islands, and then picking up the camper and heading back east.
Andy pulled a muscle in his lower back. So he has been resting and I have been driving. Luckily I had some Flexeril (muscle relaxers) and he had left over Codeine from his tooth abscess, that I thought we were "doctoring" him up pretty good. But today he felt he needed to go to a real doctor! And this M.D. told him to take Flexeril and Codeine and rest....go figure. It was a good excuse to see how well is retirement health insurance works. Actually, it works great. No co-payment and $10.00 or less prescriptions. Because of his pain, we haven't been doing alot except experiencing life along the north west coast.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy & Big Andy... do you have an e-mail address? If so, send it to
