Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pacific Coastal Scenic Byway

This is the Oregon coast! It is the best kept secret.
While our RV is being repaired, we decided to head south. Washington had been very cloudy and rainy and we heard it was sunny in Oregon and that's where we started our journey in the west. The scenery is unbelievable. We thought the coast line would be rocky but we didn't expect these beautiful beaches. We have a map of the coastal highway 101 with all the points of interest and roadways to turn off. Of course if we took every scenic viewpoint, it would take us weeks to drive the coast. We have spotted many grey whales from the shore, lots of noisy barking sea lions, and black pelicans. Also, there are about 12 lighthouses along the coast that reminds us of the Michigan great lakes. The beaches are not really crowded, but the temperature has only been in the low 60's. It hasn't stopped the body surfers, wind surfers or horseback riders we've seen along the shores. Along with the camp fires made right in the sand...even in the middle of the day (probably to get warm after being in the water!).
Last night Andy and I lost track of time and ate dinner late and then tried to get a hotel room in Lincoln City. They must have a couple thousand rooms within the city, but not one vacancy! We called and stopped into every motel, hotel and Inn without any luck. By 11:00 we decided to sleep in the truck. We drove to the casino and parked back by all the RV's. Around 6:30 am Andy, trying to comfort me, said "other people slept in their cars ". I said those are the homeless people. And his reply was: "we're homeless, too." How sad that you quit two great paying jobs and sell everything and you end up sleeping in your car! As of this writing, we have been in the same clothes for 48 hours. I'm laughing about it, not Andy. He said the F word!

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