Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Downtown Seattle. What a beautiful city!

We stayed out by the airport, about 11 miles from the city center, and took the train into town in the morning. What an experience. People get on this train with their bikes and ipods, going to work with shorts and t-shirts on. Such a laid-back, hi-tech environment (home to, Expedia, Microsoft...guess I should expect that). Seattle does claim to have the highest percentage of people who ride their bikes to work. The transit only took 30 minutes and it was cheaper and easier then driving. Then when in the city, they have buses that are free if ridden in between the "red dotted line" (on our city map). It was very easier to cover a large area. Of course our first stop was to the famous Pike Place Market which opened in 1907. The market is similar to our Eastern Market in Detroit, only bigger, better and is open every day! It is both indoors and out with vendors selling fruit, vegetables, fresh fish, flowers and their crafts, t-shirts, jewelry, painting, etc. The fish market is where they yell while flinging king salmon and other fish to each other, they put on a real show for the customers. Of course, Andy and I ate both breakfast and lunch down there, taking in the city culture and people watching. There were a number of street buskers, musicians, and magicians performing on the busy street corners for our entertainment. And some great views of Puget Sound and the ferries.

The city is real clean and eco-conscious with a thriving downtown. I was surprise though of the large number of homeless and street people. They were sleeping on benches, the park grass and begging on the corner for money. I didn't expect this and it really did bother me.
Some Seattle, Washington facts: its called the Evergreen state (miles of hilly pines and firs); one of the rainiest places on earth (we have been lucky, sunny with temperatures in the 80's. The locals are complaining); you can enjoy both the coastlines and mountains; they have the best apples and great wines; virgin trees (like Oregon) dating back 300-400 years; Starbucks started here and they love their coffee with drive-through espresso huts on every corner; started the pop culture with alternative rock (Nirvana, Pearl Jam) and the birthplace of Jimi Hendrix!
Camper is finished!!! We pick it up and they said it is better then new, guaranteed! Looks good and we can't wait to sleep in our own featherbed tonight.

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