Thursday, August 6, 2009

Valdez, Alaska

Drove down to Valdez today, about 300 miles south east of Anchorage on the Gulf of Alaska.
Valdez is famous for a couple of things: Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, the Alaska Pipeline ends here, and the Good Friday 9.2 earthquake and tsunami in 1964 when it was completely wiped out. The town had to be rebuilt and moved about 4 miles south from its original site.
We came down here because they said it is like being in Switzerland, surrounded by snow capped mountains. When we arrived here it was late in the afternoon and it was still raining and cloud covered. You could not see any mountain peaks. Our plan was to take a six hour fjord ocean cruise into the tidewater glaciers and ice bergs. When we woke this morning you could not see any sight of mountains. Or barely see the camper two doors down from us. It is doubtful we could see any glaciers. Our plan now is to stay another night and go tomorrow. The rain is suppose to be out of here. The drive down was a rough road and all the businesses, gas stations and lodging, including campgrounds, are closed. Some areas looked like the owners just up and walked away. One restaurant still had ketchup and salt and pepper on the table. It is obvious the economy has hit hard in this area. They said tourism was 30% down in Denali. Actually, through out our whole trip it has not been crowded with people.
So today was a relaxing down time for us. Andy did laundry and washed off the bugs from the camper. I cleaned inside. Normal things people do when not a 12 month vacation!!
We saw millions of spawning salmon. People were net dipping and kids were catching them by hand. Even the sea lions had no trouble catching them. We saw more bald eagles and were educated on why they are called "bald" when the have a head full of feathers. It comes from old English meaning "white".

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