Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hells Canyon

Hells Canyon was massive. The picture does it no justice, due to the lighting. We got up early and drove to the top of the canyon overlook. The sun was hazy just to the east, which made it hard for the camera to focus. The temperature around 7:30 AM was about 54 degrees but the wind blowing through made it feel so much colder. Of course, we had shorts on and could barely stand long for the camera to shoot our photo. But the drive along the Snake River in the valley of the canyon was more picturesque. And no wind.
We actually only got into about a third of the canyon due to the limited access by car. People come here to camp, boat and fish right along the river. There are no designated campgrounds, they pull up where ever its flat and clear. We noticed a sign at the only local gas station saying it closed at 3 pm on Saturday and was completely closed on Sunday. These people take their weekends seriously! And the river activity showed they enjoy the free time.
Finally got into Idaho. Saw miles of potatoes growing in the fields. But the terrain looks still the same as the farm land through out Oregon and Washington. These small towns are real different. Arriving in town and following the CAMP sign, we noticed it pointing straight. We turned around and it was pointing again straight in the opposite direction. Still couldn't find it. But they were state printed official signs on real state sign posts. We stopped and asked at the gas station, followed his directions and still no CAMP sign....but we did find the campgrounds, with no office, no directions, but an empty site we used.

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