Sunday, August 2, 2009

Last Day in Fairbanks-Separate Activities

Last night I went to bed at 12 midnight....still light outside. I woke up at 5 am....still light outside. I am hoping at Walmart they sell eye masks or sleep shades! We had a busy day trying to "see and do" everything before heading down to Denali.
Fairbanks is still smoke covered. We were informed there were 70 fires burning. And this is common. First thing we drove over to Chena Hot Springs to tour the Ice Hotel. It is the only one in the world that is opened 365 days. The other Ice Hotels are in Europe, so it was something we didn't want to miss. It has a chapel for weddings, a full bar (as you can see in the photo) with glasses made out of ice, and four rooms to rent for the night at a cost of $600.00. The temperature is only 20 degrees, warm compared to the winter nights here at 60 degrees below!
And of course, I wore shorts and flip flops!
Andy and I had separate outings today. SAD. But after 20 days straight together 24/7, it was necessary. Andy played 18 holes of golf at the "Northern Most Golf Course in America". Yesterday, the course had a moose on it. No luck for Andy spotting any wildness other then his golf game.
I took a stern wheeler river boat ride down the Chena and Tanana Rivers. I learned alot about Alaskan native history and customs. We visited the dog kennel of Susan Butcher, the late female four time Iditarod Champion. Her husband still runs the kennel that breeds and trains champion dogs and mushers. The Iditarod is a 1,100 miles dog sled race from Anchorage to Nome, held in February. I saw how the dogs train in the summer by pulling the trainer on a four wheel (with motor and breaks removed) instead of a sled.
We have been staying at the Pioneer Park but needed to refill our water. So we moved our campsite to our favorite place, Walmart parking lot!I know you are all laughing right now, and my kids are embarassed, but it is a great deal. Particularly this one, it has great area shopping and restaurants. It has it all! Here we had more company and an opportunity to meet new friends.

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