Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mt McKinley

Last night we took a shuttle into Denali Park around 8pm hoping to see some wildlife and possibly Mt McKinley. We did see a red fox and some white dots on the mountain side, which the park ranger insists were Dall Sheep. Andy's binoculars did confirm that those dots were moving. But to see them we took 1.5 mile hike along a river and canyon , which was quite beautiful. Altho we were disappointed that Mt McKinley was all cloud covered.
So I set the alarm (even tho we are retired!) to get up at 6 am to beat the rush into the park. We weren't the first there! But Mt McKinley was visible except for the peak and we did see a huge moose with this enormous rack. It was worth getting up early except our car thermometer said it was 27 degrees. The coldest morning yet. We had to turn the furnace on. Eventually the day turned out beautiful with the temperature around 68 degrees.
When we left Denali Park, we could see better views of Mt McKinley along the hwy on the south side and much closer, about 40 miles away. Generally the peak is only seen 20% of the time, but we were lucky to see most of it.
Arrived in Anchorage later in the afternoon. Huge modern city....they have a couple of Targets! Altho they are kind of snobby, Walmart does not allow you to park in their lots. We are spending the night in Sports Authority, across the street. TODAY we are boycotting Walmarts.
Anchorage is half way between New York City and Tokyo. It lies as far west as the Hawaiian Islands and as far north as Helsinki. Even tho it is a big city, moose, bear and wolves wonder within the city limits. Now that would be a site to see. Altho we don't expect to see any wild animals, since we have only seen 2 moose the entire time here. I think Sarah Palin took them all with her!

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